Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweet Little Somethings....the chocolate cookie saga

   I love cookies.  Especially chocolate cookies, and especially if they look as good as they taste.  This year for Valentine's Day I decided I would make cookies for all those special people in my life.  And since many of those people are out of state, I decided to make them in advance and send out little packages of goodness to spread the love around.  Well, the Queen of good intention strikes again.  I rule over a land of well thought out plans and half executed projects.  (good thing I'm not responsible for real executions!--ewww)  
How could I resist??  Look how cute and tasty.  And they were all whispering sweet nothings to me!

  Anyway, on a sweeter note......  It all started out well enough.  I perused the internet for a great new recipe-which I found here.  Amazing yummy chocolate sugar cookies-YUM!  The only change I made was to use dark chocolate cocoa powder rather than regular.  I'm a sucker for anything dark chocolate!  I admit though-I am not a fan of royal icing.  It takes weird ingredients and I never have them.  At Christmastime I found a recipe for a sugar glaze icing, I call it my 'non-royal icing'...maybe that would make it a 'peasant icing'?  I dunno, but it works well for the Queen of good intentions.  So here is the link for the icing that I love!! It's easy, yummy, and takes no weird ingredients!  Happy Day!
The kid's cookies, I think they did a pretty good job!
  So I whipped up a batch of oh so yummy chocolate sugar cookies and some of my non-royal icing and went to town decorating! Not sure how I managed it, but I was able to get the majority of the cookies decorated before the kids realized what was happening in the kitchen-it was amazing!  Of course I set a few aside for each of them to decorate.  They love the cookie process as much as I do.
Cub-performing his own little taste test!
   The house smelled wonderful and the cookies looked beautiful!  I set a couple aside for our own personal consumption and the rest were for all those special people out there......or so I thought.  I really should have known better.  There they sat, awaiting packaging and shipping, slowly dwindling in number.  .....just one more with my afternoon tea.....and one after dinner........and one for a pre-bedtime snack.......oh look-it's midnight, time for a cookie!  It's pathetic.  But they were so pretty and yummy, I couldn't help myself!  I felt like Alice in Wonderland every time she came across a little cookie that said 'eat me'.  She should have known better-good never came of such things!!  But alas, there were but a few lonely stragglers remaining (one of which I am putting out of it's misery right at this very moment! It goes so well with coffee!!)
mmmm-so yummy!!
    But what of my friends out there who have missed out on such yummies due to my lack of self control?  I apologize, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart shaped cookie.  However, there are two ways you could look at this:  1. You could think of it as a charitable gift on your behalf-given to me for my enjoyment-in that regards, I thank you!  I did thoroughly enjoy them!  or 2. I have given you the links to the recipes so you can relive this saga in your very own kitchen!  Yay!!  It's stretching it, I know.  But even if I made another batch and shipped them out today, it would be after Valentine's Day when they were received, and well, that's just tacky!  Maybe I'll try again for St. Patrick's Day......little green shamrocks could be quite cute..........and tasty........with my coffee.............

Just because I am so sweet (goodness knows I should be with all these cookies in me!)  here are those links again-and a big 'Thank You to the original websites for sharing with myself ad other sugar addicts!
     Chocolate sugar cookies
     Glace icing aka 'Non-Royal-Icing'

                                            Happy Valentine's Day!
Woo tried to resist their power.......

........but it was too strong!!  She too gave in to their sweetness!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't care if it is after Valentine's Day. You should love me every day and send me heart shaped cookies anyway! Especially since they're chocolate! After all, I DID send YOU a box if goodies!(even if it did arrive only the day before Valentine's Day)
